This academic year Brother Gerard, MICM, will be teaching the second year of Woodshop elective at Saint John Bosco Woodshop for Junior and Senior IHM boys. “It is important to learn to use your hands to build something;” Brother commented, “there is the satisfaction of seeing a project complete, a project that will outlast you. With the lack of tradesmen, we need to train, and try to restore an interest in the trades.”

The small but mighty class of 2022, polished off some impressive projects while learning new skills. An Adirondack chair and table set were completed and raffled at the Fall Bazaar fund-raiser and were followed by some smaller projects.

But what got everyone’s attention was the grand finale project of a trophy case for MacIsaac Hall! Since the hall/gym opening in 2017, there has been a blank space in the vestibule awaiting the case. This year the IHM Woodworkers made it happen.

The 81-inch tall by 90-inch long case made of quartersawn red oak –100% from the monastery sawmill – took approximately three months to complete. The glass panels and shelving were in place just in time to light up the project for the 2022 Commencement Exercises. The class members, and Brother Gerard, all signed their names to the beautiful piece that will witness their skills and hard work for years to come.