Applicant Requirements
Our Policy
All applicants must meet certain requirements:
1) The family should attend Sunday Mass at the monastery to promote the traditional Tridentine Mass.
2) A completed application form, required paperwork, and a $50 fee for each applicant must be submitted.
3) Incoming 1st graders must be 6 years old by October 1st. They must have been enrolled in kindergarten or have taken a home school kindergarten course a year before entry in first grade. An assessment test will be given in May.
4) Home schooled students must provide and submit official records of testing, grades, subjects studied, and a list of texts used. High school credits will be accepted if they are from a formal home school program and students demonstrate proficiency in each given course. (IHM reserves the right to accept or reject course credits earned outside of IHM.)
5) The school will then contact the parents to arrange for an interview. The applicant and both parents should be at the interview if possible.
6) Academic testing will be administered to all applicants to determine proper placement. IHM is limited in offering remedial assistance and occasionally students are placed into a lower grade to receive a better foundation.
7) High school students who are transferring must meet required accumulation of credits, courses and grade average for placement into a specific grade level.
The mini-trinity of teacher, parent and student must have the same value system in order to succeed. It is our goal at IHM School to foster the intellectual, moral, and social development of all its members by a program of study, discipline, and religious tradition.